Keysight Smart Bench Essentials are a family of industry-grade test & measurement (T&M) instruments specifically designed for modern-day teaching labs. These economical and smartly bundled instruments are equipped with an intuitive seven-inch graphical display, exceptional features, and PathWave BenchVue standalone software. While customers appreciate the competitive pricing of this all-in-one solution, they buy it for its performance and ease of use.

Transforming the Teaching Lab

Keysight Smart Bench Essentials allow lab instructors to focus more on teaching than troubleshooting. For instance, the PathWave BenchVue software included in the bundle gives instructors centralized control of their laboratory by connecting all the T&M equipment over LAN or WLAN.

Here’s how Keysight Smart Bench Essentials simplify lab management and instruction:

  • You can set up your equipment based on the actual layout of the lab, including non-Keysight equipment.
  • E-mail notification allows you to track your lab instruments, their standardization, and the status of the loan period.
  • With just a single click, you can update the firmware to all instruments.
  • Educators can automate and control several instruments, perform data logging as well as online/offline data analysis.

Don’t take our word for it. Dr. James Baumann—who won a Keysight Smart Bench giveaway  setup for has to say about TestEquity’s Keysight Smart Bench Essentials.

What Dr. Baumann Has to Say about TestEquity’s Keysight Smart Bench

At Virginia Tech, they are always measuring frequency responses in their labs and the Keysight scope simplifies this work. It not only does a great job of measuring waveforms, but you can also measure the frequency response of a circuit with just the touch of a button. You don’t need any external waveform generator or extra software.

“The scope also overlays the measured waveforms on top of the frequency response during the measurement, so students can see whether the output is saturating or being driven into the noise. This is something I always have trouble getting my students to check,” says Dr. Baumann.

What’s more, with the press of just one button, the scope’s display can be saved to a USB stick for inclusion in the lab report; and while the scope’s built-in waveform generator is great for standard signals, for more complex needs, the stand-alone waveform generator comes in handy.

He adds, “One of the projects we build in the lab is a heart monitor. Before hooking the students up to electrodes, it is great to use the built-in arbitrary waveform function to generate a sample cardiac waveform, modulate it with additive noise or 60Hz interference, and test the circuit’s performance. To round out the bench, there is a power supply with three independent, floating sources. Gone are the 100mA limits we had while working at home during the pandemic.”

According to Dr. Baumann, the equipment is easy to use and you don’t need any manuals to get started. For the occasional questions, you can just press and hold any button to get an informative help screen. All these features truly make TestEquity’s Keysight Smart Bench a great solution for undergraduate lab teaching.